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Pastificio Martelli Toscana

A family of Pasta Makers in the Heart of Tuscany

The village of Lari, seen from afar, is a slice of the Middle Ages among the gentle Pisan hills. Walk briskly upwards; the ancient village awaits you. Up there, in the shadow of the Rocca, stands a grand yellow-painted building. It’s the Pastificio Famiglia Martelli: not a silent industry with fast lines and deserted corridors, but the last true traditional pasta factory. A world of slow times, vintage machinery, and artisans at work, committed to mixing, cutting, and drying one of the finest Italian pastas.

Artisan Pastificio Martelli Toscana - The Territory

The history of our activity is deeply linked to Lari, its past, and its territory. The tenacity we put into defending and passing down rigorous traditional principles resembles the resistance of the besieged people of this village used to defend their freedom and dignity.

The building where our pasta is born is itself a piece of history, faithfully reproducing the layout of past pasta factories. The semolina arrives on the ground floor and is mixed with cold water. Once laid on trolleys or wooden frames, it is taken to the upper floors, to the drying rooms. Here, the pasta will rest until it has reached the right degree of dryness. It is on the top floor of this building that Spaghetti acquire their consistency and unique taste.

What the largest industrial pasta factory does in 5 hours,
we do in a year.

Every process in our pasta factory is marked by slow, low-temperature methods:
an approach abandoned by the industry due to long waits and lower yields but necessary
to enhance the flavor of the wheat, sauce absorption, and increase the digestibility of the pasta.

An entirely "Made in Italy" supply chain

As true supporters of Italian tradition, we choose to promote local agriculture.
The selection of the finest Italian durum wheats is milled by the Molino Borgioli in Calenzano;
the semolina reaches us to blend with cold water in a meticulously crafted dough.

The Good Pasta is Bronze Drawn

Digestibility and flavor also depend on the processing method.
A quickly mixed dough with hot water is stressed, affecting the pasta.
We mix the semolina only with cold water and do it slowly to preserve its quality
and not compromise its most precious elements: gluten and carbohydrates.
The dough is then gently extruded through a circular bronze die,
creating a porous and rough pasta, perfect for absorbing the sauce and blending in the pan.
Each format has its die that gives it shape and consistency.
This carefully crafted pasta retains all the properties that define its taste.

The Pleasure of Working Slowly

At Pastificio Famiglia Martelli, drying follows the traditional method: temperatures below 36°C,
even ventilation, controlled humidity, and the skill of the pasta maker make the difference.
Our drying chambers are not modern ones with computerized controls.
Instead, we rely on our experience and passion to understand how much air
to circulate and at what temperature, evaluating humidity levels, and adapting to external climate impacts.
The pasta rests in wooden cells that exchange heat and moisture with the outside,
requiring daily monitoring and adjustments.
This process, driven by passion and tenacity, ensures the highest quality.

50 hours for a single spaghetto

Beyond the quality of the raw materials and slow mixing,
our pasta's distinctive feature is the 50-hour drying time.
This process stabilizes the properties from cold dough and bronze drawing,
resulting in porous, flavorful, and highly digestible pasta rich in nutrients.
While low-temperature drying is costly and time-consuming,
it preserves the pasta's taste and nutritional value, unlike the high-temperature methods
used by most modern factories, which alter flavor and reduce nutritional content.

The Final Touch is a Gesture of Love

Now the pasta is ready to be placed in its yellow package.
Each pack is hand-packaged with care. The proof?
You’ll find it in the detail of the small bow at the end of each spaghetti.
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